Periodic equivalent to evaluate the dynamic efficiency of units with multi-stage network structure
by Alireza Ebrahimi Bagha; Farhad Hosseinzadeh Lotfi; Alireza Amirteimoori; Mohsen Rostamy-Malkhlifeh
International Journal of Services and Operations Management (IJSOM), Vol. 45, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: In this study, while presenting the existing methods and models in evaluating network envelopment analysis, the challenges of previous models are analysed. Finally, the models proposed in this paper are presented for evaluating the dynamic performance of n-stage and n-sub process units based on the simultaneous evaluation of overall and sub-process efficiency and model optimisation based on a solid efficiency model. Also, the approach of converting multistage networks to two-stage networks for this study was presented. These models, defined based on a two-stage network structure, can simultaneously evaluate the efficiency of the entire network and the dynamic efficiency of the sub-processes and their interactions across different periods. With a real and practical example based on the idea of this research and its inference model, the dynamic performance over four years was evaluated in the top 15 carpet production plants in Iran.

Online publication date: Sun, 13-Aug-2023

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