Ecotourism on university campuses: co-creation case study at Universidad de Medellín, Colombia
by Carolina Marcela Perlaza Lopera; Yuri Lorene Hernández Fernández; Sandra Milena Palacio-López; Javier A. Sánchez-Torres
International Journal of Sustainable Society (IJSSOC), Vol. 15, No. 3, 2023

Abstract: This article focuses on presenting a proposal for ecotourism services on a green university campus based on the process of design thinking by students. Participatory action research, co-creation and psychosocial intervention methodologies were considered to develop this process. This study established the following two important results: on one hand, a green campus initial intervention proposal emerged, which included a service description and special features; on the other hand, as an additional result, a series of overall observations and suggestions provided by students around the field and its surrounding facilities emerged. Finally, it is concluded that there is great potential for ecotourism in green campuses as a training and tourist process.

Online publication date: Mon, 14-Aug-2023

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