Fluid based solar spectral beam splitters for hybrid photovoltaic thermal systems: a review
by Pushparaj R. Jiwanapurkar; Hitesh A. Bhargav; Bharat Ramani
International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology (IJRET), Vol. 14, No. 3, 2023

Abstract: Spectral beam splitting (SBS) is a photovoltaic thermal technology that offers conversion of the complete solar spectrum incident on earth surface into useful energy with maximum efficiency. The efficiency of photovoltaic-thermal system can be increased by separating the responsive range of PV cell from the solar spectrum by SBS technique and utilising both wavelengths range separately for photovoltaic and thermal conversion. A review of development of a fluid-based SBS filter with help of organic fluids, and nanofluids in the last decade have been reported in this article. Varieties of pure fluids and nanofluids tested as SBS filters have been discussed. Organic fluids like water, coconut oil and silicon oil were identified as potential fluids for filtering of solar spectrum, 79% thermal and 14% electrical efficiency was estimated mathematically. Highest overall efficiencies of PVT system using fluid-based SBS filter was found out to be 56% and 62% with C-Si and GaAs solar cells respectively using gold (Au) nanofluid. The cost of nanofluids needs to be justified with an increase in the system's overall efficiency. An ideal SBS filter transmitting only the responsive wavelength range of the PV cell has to be developed for commercialisation of SBS PVT system.

Online publication date: Tue, 22-Aug-2023

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