TEAMR-AMAA: trust and energy aware multicast routing based on adaptive Mexican axolotl algorithm in WSN
by Hemant Kumar Vijayvergia; Uma Shankar Modani
International Journal of System of Systems Engineering (IJSSE), Vol. 13, No. 3, 2023

Abstract: In wireless sensor network (WSN), energy efficiency and trust are the major concerns to transmit the data securely from the source to multiple destinations during the process of multicast routing. To achieve these concerns, trust and energy aware multicast routing (TEAMR) is presented in this paper. At first, sensor nodes are clustered using beetle swarm optimisation (BSO) algorithm in which clustering fitness is used. Second, reliable intermediate nodes between the source and multiple destinations are selected. Depend on the maximal value of trust and residual energy of each node, intermediate nodes are selected. Third, to improve the security and energy efficiency of the network, optimal paths between the source and multiple destinations are selected using the adaptive Mexican axolotl algorithm (AMAA). At final, the data will be transmitted via the selected paths without compromising the security. Simulation results depict that the TEAMR-AMAA achieves throughput of 50% and delivery ratio of 41%.

Online publication date: Thu, 24-Aug-2023

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