Analysis, design and simulation of high gain dc-dc converters for fuel cell applications
by Ravindranath Tagore Yadlapalli; Rajani Kandipati; Chandra Sekhar Koritala
International Journal of Power Electronics (IJPELEC), Vol. 18, No. 3, 2023

Abstract: Fuel cells and solar-based energy sources have a significant role in several power systems or electric vehicle (EV) applications. However, there are a few limitations associated with the generation of very low output voltage. Hence, several cells are connected in series in order to realise much greater output voltages. This can enhance the cost of the system, along with the development of advanced manufacturing materials and fabrication methods. Therefore, it is important to design high gain dc-dc converters (HGCs) in order to realise higher output voltages from very low panel or stack output voltages. Therefore, this paper presents the design and simulation of the HGCs for the electric vehicle (EV) applications. The major focus is on the steady state and dynamic voltage regulations. The performance of the HGCs is compared in terms of the figure of merits (FOMs) such as steady state voltage error, transient voltage deviation and settling time. The eminent HGCs are simulated for the 45 V input to 400 V output voltage conditions. In addition, this research work also presents the efficiency analysis of the HGCs. This paper gives insight for researchers and design engineers when choosing the appropriate HGC topology.

Online publication date: Tue, 29-Aug-2023

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