The effect of relational bonds on e-commerce use, the mediating effect of customers' online trust: evidence from Jordan
by Shadi A. Khattab; Ishaq M. Al Shaar; Mohammed Khair Abu Zaid; Fadi T. Qutaishat
International Journal of Business and Systems Research (IJBSR), Vol. 17, No. 5, 2023

Abstract: This study investigates the effect of relational bonds on the use of e-commerce in Jordan. In addition, the study examines the role of customers' online trust in modifying the relationship between relational bonds and e-commerce use. Structural equation modelling was used to analyse the data collected from 423 customers who had bought or obtained services from online retailers. The analysis of results from this study showed that financial, social and structural bonds have affected customers' online trust. Furthermore, the results demonstrated that the customers' online trust has affected e-commerce use. Although it was found that structural bonds directly affected e-commerce use, financial and social bonds did not have a similar effect on e-commerce use. Finally, the study found that the customers' online trust fully mediated the relationship between financial bonds and structural bonds on e-commerce use. However, the customers' online trust partially mediated the relationship between social bonds and e-commerce use. The study concluded that companies could rely on relational bonds collectively as a trust-building method and on structural and social bonds, which are considered a very effective strategy to attain customers' trust.

Online publication date: Fri, 01-Sep-2023

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