An exploratory study of the constraints on an electronic human resources management system application in a university
by Asaad Ali Karam; Abdelkarim Fuad Kitana
International Journal of Management Practice (IJMP), Vol. 16, No. 5, 2023

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the constraints imposed by an electronic human resources management system (e-HRMS) application, aiming to remove ambiguity about the concept of e-HRMS and understand the extent of the application in practice. A questionnaire was distributed to the study sample of 504 employees of the University of Duhok, using e-HRMS as the dependent variable and organisational culture (OC) as an interaction variable. The survey concluded that technical constraints resulted from the weakness of the internet service and its limitations at the university level; there was also difficulty in keeping pace with technological developments, especially in the field of e-HRMS.

Online publication date: Fri, 01-Sep-2023

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