Knowledge risks and business sustainability: the role of organisational performance as a mediating factor
by Rabih El Khatib; Alaaeddine Abbas
Middle East J. of Management (MEJM), Vol. 10, No. 5, 2023

Abstract: The knowledge risk concept is still regarded as an unexplored subject and the extant research presents a fragmented understanding of this concept. This paper advances the knowledge risk literature by empirically investigating the influence of knowledge risks on organisational performance and sustainability of knowledge-intensive firms in Lebanon. A questionnaire was administered with a sample of 427 respondents. The gathered data were analysed using SEM approach. According to the findings, knowledge risks, operational knowledge risks, and technological knowledge risks all have a direct and considerable negative influence on business sustainability. Organisational performance positively impact sustainability. Organisational performance has a full mediation influence in the relationship between knowledge hazards and business sustainability. Knowledge loss and human knowledge risks, on the other hand, were determined to have no significant influence on organisational performance and sustainability. The findings will compel managers of knowledge-intensive organisations to implement knowledge management strategies and avoid potential knowledge risks.

Online publication date: Fri, 01-Sep-2023

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