Research on financing availability of small and micro logistics enterprises in China
by Yubin Yang; Lili Xu; Xuejian Chu; Ruiqi Pang; Zunli Zhang
International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences (IJADS), Vol. 16, No. 5, 2023

Abstract: This study explores the financing availability of small and micro logistics enterprises (SMLEs) in digital supply chain finance (DSCF). Drawing upon the signalling view and the logic of signalling-financing availability, this study constructs a theoretical model that affects the financing availability of SMLEs in five dimensions, including supervision behaviour, transaction credit, financial credit, policy environment, and financial environment. By applying partial least squares structural equation modelling, the study asserts that supervision behaviour, transaction credit, and financial credit all have a direct and significant positive impact on the financing availability of SMLEs. Moreover, financial credit has a mediation effect on supervision behaviour and transaction credit in the mediation model. Furthermore, the results confirm that policy and financial environments positively moderate effects. The results reveal that both supervision behaviour and transaction credit can impact financial credit, to achieve the purpose of credit enhancement, thereby improving the financing availability of SMLEs.

Online publication date: Fri, 01-Sep-2023

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