A collaborative model for predictive maintenance of after-sales equipment based on digital twin
by Xiao Li; Hongfei Liang; Yuchen Chen; Yuanpeng Ruan; Lei Wang
European J. of Industrial Engineering (EJIE), Vol. 17, No. 5, 2023

Abstract: In response to the demands of users for prompting fault diagnosis and maintenance, equipment manufacturers require more advanced maintenance technologies for real-time monitoring, prediction, and remote guidance. Based on digital twin, this paper puts forward a seven-dimensional model of collaborative maintenance and a collaborative model for after sales maintenance service, which enables manufacturers to provide more effective and timely service and support to their customers. Taking a bottled water capping process as an example, it constructs a digital twin-driven model for predicting the remaining effective life of devices, a digital twin service platform with a maintenance knowledge database. Based on the forward variable combining the current state and state duration from hidden semi-Markov chain, and the improved formula for calculating the remaining effective life of equipment state, the feasibility of the proposed seven-dimensional collaborative maintenance model and the collaborative model for after sales maintenance service are verified. [Submitted: 20 July 2021; Accepted: 8 August 2022]

Online publication date: Fri, 01-Sep-2023

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