An efficient data aggregation with optimal recharging in wireless rechargeable sensor networks
by S. Pavithra; P.M. Anu
International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms (IJAIP), Vol. 26, No. 1, 2023

Abstract: Energy consumption is optimised for transmission of packet in the clustering network there are base station selected to multiple mobile nodes covered under the particular distance range and limited distance to hit and elect the cluster group from the sink region using clustering algorithm. Cluster Head is formed based on the highest connectivity of nodes. Then each sub nodes are connected to the group leader based on assigned node id, energy level to be maintained. Each head connected to another cluster head via sink to be presented. Now packets are transmitted under each mobile node to cluster head region. So, index table maintenance of unique file gathering from cluster head to sink and sink to cluster communication to be performed. If sink has buffered of packet occurs, then cluster head to cluster head communication can be established and improve the network lifetime, throughput performance, energy consumption, less cost transmission and delay to be reduced.

Online publication date: Mon, 04-Sep-2023

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