Numerical investigation of effect of nozzles on design of pressure vessel: a review
by Sandeep S. Patil; Nitish Kumar Gautam; Rupesh J. Patil
International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation (IJMATEI), Vol. 14, No. 3, 2023

Abstract: A pressure vessel is a container designed to hold gases, liquids at a pressure substantially different from the ambient pressure. In the present work, the pressure vessel serves as a solvent extraction system that uses an electro-winning process to obtain high-grade copper cathodes. The nozzles were essential for the inlet and outlet of a liquid. If nozzles are present on the peak of the dish end, the symmetry of the vessel should not be disturbed. This is review paper that provides insights into the aspects regarding position and positioning of nozzles. FEA considers nonlinearity in the form of nonlinear geometric, material properties, and contact nonlinearity. The paper elaborates on the FEA simulation and determines the best design solution. The design of pressure vessels is based on the solvent extraction process. Most process requirements state that the position of a nozzle cannot be changed. In such cases, FEA data is required to establish the structural performance.

Online publication date: Thu, 14-Sep-2023

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