Flexibility in logistics: a literature review
by Kalyana C. Chejarla; Omkarprasad S. Vaidya; Sushil Kumar
International Journal of Services and Operations Management (IJSOM), Vol. 46, No. 1, 2023

Abstract: This paper aims to review and analyse the literature on logistics flexibility in a structured framework. A systematic hybrid-narrative literature review of more than 120 research articles on logistics flexibility is performed, and findings are presented in a broad logistics framework. The study identifies five themes of logistics flexibility, namely: 1) flexibility in purchasing; 2) flexibility in in-house logistics; 3) flexibility in distribution network infrastructure; 4) flexibility in the fulfilment process; 5) flexibility in logistics services. We further classify these main themes into 16 sub-themes. The research presents state-of-art research in each sub-theme to benefit practicing managers and identifies extensions for future research. Logistics flexibility is an important tool in practitioners' hands to guard against disruptions, and this paper helps them choose the right logistics flexibility components and their respective levels.

Online publication date: Fri, 15-Sep-2023

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