Interpersonal relationship inventory scale for registered nurses in India: EFA and scale development
by Puja Khatri; Sumit Kumar Debnath
International Journal of Business Excellence (IJBEX), Vol. 30, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: The purpose of the study was to develop a scale to measure interpersonal relationship at the workplace of the registered nurses working on large-scale hospital setup. The paper tries to develop an interpersonal relationship inventory scale and further factor analysis was performed. A methodology study design consisting of two phases was used. In the first phase qualitative study was conducted which results in the identification of 59 items, which was further followed by field testing among 250 registered nurses. In the second phase factor analysis was performed. The factor analysis shows that KMO measure of sampling adequacy is 0.832 with a Chi-square = 820.486, p < 0.001. Four factors obtained which accounted for the 53.546% of the total variance. The total scale reliability was found to be 0.783. The study concludes with the development of the 15-item interpersonal relationship scale inventory.

Online publication date: Mon, 18-Sep-2023

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