Factors of investment decision and mutual funds business management
by Sudarshan Maity; Tarak Nath Sahu; Anusri Mallik
International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management (IJICBM), Vol. 30, No. 1, 2023

Abstract: The present study investigates factors that disappoint investment decisions in mutual funds (MFs). To analyse, 12 questionnaires including demographic factors have been asked to the 436 respondents from West Bengal, India. The researchers analysed the data by applying a four-point Likert scale. After establishing reliability with the help of Cronbach's coefficient alpha, principal components analysis has been used to analyse the respondents' perception of investing in MFs. The study concludes that there are two major perceptual factors: risk-return and knowledge-awareness that impede investment in MFs. To take several marketing strategies, it is essential to know the views of various investors. This study will help investors an overall guide in investing in MFs and will help the mutual fund industry to take a decision in their marketing strategy to enhance the business, which ultimately fastens necessary reforms in the global perspective.

Online publication date: Thu, 21-Sep-2023

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