Investigating and analysing critical factors for the adoption of green banking practices
by Akanksha Upadhyaya; Shikha Dua; Smita Mishra
International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management (IJPSPM), Vol. 12, No. 3, 2023

Abstract: To reduce carbon footprints from all the banking activities and to stimulate environment-friendly practices, the concept of green banking came into light. Gradual scarcity of natural resources, increase in global warming, ecological imbalance caused clenching such type of initiatives by government and financial institutions is one of the significant sectors of the society i.e., banking sector. The aim of this study is to investigate various factors that directly or indirectly affect the adoption of green banking practices. The study includes internal and external factors that create a direct or indirect impact on the rise of green banking practices. The internal factors positively contributing towards an increase in green banking are reduced cost, ease and convenience, social responsibility and external factors include internet penetration, government initiative and technology awareness among people. The framework purposed in the study contains novelty in the sense that only few researches have emphasised on internal and external factors.

Online publication date: Fri, 22-Sep-2023

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