Study of issues of ELV management in India: a fuzzy analytical hierarchy process approach
by Sima Kundu; Ankita Ray; Bivash Mallick
International Journal of Environment and Waste Management (IJEWM), Vol. 32, No. 3, 2023

Abstract: In today's developing world, most of the industry is lagging due to scarcity of materials and facing challenges in meeting that demand. There is also an increase in the demand of resources in the automobile industry. The end-of-life vehicle (ELV) can meet the demand by renewing and recycling the material. Previous researchers identified the issues related to ELV recovery in India. In this paper, we analyse the issues for an automobile company that focuses on product recovery activities. In this study, we used the fuzzy analytical hierarchy process method to prioritise the issues based on the expert's opinion. The findings of this paper help to take necessary steps to remove the boundaries of ELV recovery management of automobile sector in India.

Online publication date: Mon, 25-Sep-2023

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