Challenges and expectations about 5G in the industry: evidence from survey-based research
by Chiara Cimini; Fabiana Pirola; Sergio Cavalieri
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (IJMTM), Vol. 37, No. 5/6, 2023

Abstract: The introduction of the fifth generation of mobile wireless communication, the 5G, is expected to have disruptive impacts on the manufacturing and logistics processes. The possibility to ensure smarter and faster mobile communications supports applications in several fields, from factory automation to maintenance, quality and logistics, enhancing the adoption of augmented and virtual reality, cloud robotics and artificial intelligence. The aim of this paper is to present an overview of the 5G characteristics and applications in the industry. Moreover, this paper reports the results of a survey conducted in Italian companies, investigating the current level of knowledge and expectation about 5G adoptions. The results show an interesting perspective about the barriers that currently create a gap between the high-perceived importance and the current low level of 5G implementation in industry, demonstrating how, despite relevant benefits are expected, companies still have a prudent attitude in addressing investment in 5G.

Online publication date: Fri, 29-Sep-2023

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