Utilising software defined networking to address vertical handover management in 5G networks
by Alyaa A. Hamza
International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNET), Vol. 43, No. 1, 2023

Abstract: Fifth-generation (5G) networks offer smooth data transmission, low latency, high base station capacity, improved quality of service (QoS), and wide multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels compared to 4G networks. However, limited coverage and frequent changes in user network access cause high rates of ineffective handovers, reducing service quality and wasting network resources. This paper develops an innovative vertical handover mechanism that combines IEEE 802.21 and software-defined networking (SDN). This mechanism utilises centralised control and programmability from SDN, along with standardised information exchange from IEEE 802.21. This combination enables informed decision-making, reducing pointless vertical handovers and improving network performance. The goals are to maintain effective resource utilisation, guarantee QoS requirements, and reduce new call blocking and handover call dropping probability. Simulation results confirm that the proposed mechanism successfully lowers the number of handovers required in a 5G network compared to previous algorithms.

Online publication date: Tue, 03-Oct-2023

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