Decision support system for production improvement in a cork flooring company
by Luís Rodrigues; Luís Pinto Ferreira; Francisco J.G. Silva; José Carlos Sá
World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development (WRSTSD), Vol. 19, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: Information is a company's key factor for optimal activity efficiency. Gathering and processing data for decision making provides optimal solutions in production, quality control, distribution, sales, etc. resulting in reduced waste costs regarding materials, time, consumables, repairs, etc. This research demonstrates the importance of decision support systems (DSS) and simulation tools in process optimisation, focusing on the industrial sector and Industry 4.0 concept. Consequently, a DSS, named ARSimTool, was developed in a cork processing company, to perform the simulation of occupational levels of its production lines. This was requested as an alternative to the existing method, offering advanced representation capabilities of the real model and additional functionality on interface accessibility, autonomous data recovering, creation of testing scenarios, management of the workflow along the production floor, among others.

Online publication date: Thu, 05-Oct-2023

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