Preserving personal health records security and privacy using C-R3D algorithm and multimodal biometric authentication
by S. Meena; V. Gayathri
International Journal of Cloud Computing (IJCC), Vol. 12, No. 5, 2023

Abstract: Data security and privacy are the most challenging issues in the cloud computing. Especially, in recent years, the healthcare sector is facing various security attacks on patient's personal health records (PHR), which affects the trust in the healthcare institutions thereby affecting the welfare of patients. To solve this security and privacy issues, this paper proposes novel data encryption system in healthcare cloud by applying C-R3D (combined RSA and triple DES) algorithm to encrypt every patient's PHR before moving into the cloud which ensures data confidentiality. In addition, multimodal biometric authentication (finger impression + iris scan) has been connected along with traditional username and password method which ensures the privacy of patient's sensitive information in the cloud. Eventually, the efficiency of the proposed system has been evaluated using execution time (5.3 m), encryption time (4.9 m), decryption time (4.23 m) and cost with a different file size of data and various security methods.

Online publication date: Tue, 10-Oct-2023

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