Potentials and costs for the transition of decentralised energy infrastructure in Europe
by Gilbert Ahamer
International Journal of Global Environmental Issues (IJGENVI), Vol. 22, No. 2/3, 2023

Abstract: This article on decentralised energy conversion complements an earlier article in this journal on centralised energy conversion and national grids. The present research analyses over 300 pieces of literature and specifies the opportunities how an 'EU green deal' on energy systems can be practically implemented in a European country such as Austria, Germany or any other state. In order to prepare for a transition of the energy system, both potentials and costs are evaluated. Therefore, this literature analysis provides both technological information and cost data (in a synoptic table), uses the paradigm of energy 'transition', and extends on electricity, heat, sector coupling. Results show present levels of feasibility for smart metering, micro-PV systems, electricity storage, heat storage, and diverse industrial applications. The conclusions show essential these paradigms are: sector coupling, bridging time through energy storage, decentralised energy conversion and a system dynamics viewpoint.

Online publication date: Tue, 10-Oct-2023

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