Factors influencing employee engagement in the Lebanese educational sector
by Abir R. Murad; Rania B. Mostafa
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning (IJKL), Vol. 16, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: The workforce in any organisation is considered an essential element that cannot be copied or imitated by the competitors and is seen as the most valuable resource if managed and guided properly. In this case, establishing employee engagement is an important concept within nowadays organisations, especially because an engaged employee is cognitively and emotionally bound with the organisation, feels self-driven to meet the organisation's objectives, and is committed to the organisation's values. The research on this phenomenon is still limited and unsubstantial. Although several studies and researches have focused on employee engagement in organisations, few have focused on the person-environment (PE) fit to explain its direct impact on employee engagement. We analyse the three dimensions of PE fit, namely: person-job (PJ) fit, person-organisational (PO) fit, and person-technology (PT) fit to understand the relationship between the three dimensions of PE fit and employee engagement. We hereby determine the significance of each dimension on employees' physical, cognitive and emotional engagement. The results show that PJ fit and PT fit have a significant impact on employee engagement; whereas, PO fit has shown an insignificant impact on employee engagement.

Online publication date: Wed, 11-Oct-2023

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