Prioritising the factors influencing strategic tools' usage by micro, small and medium enterprises: an analytic hierarchy process approach
by T.R. Anandan; Kriti Priya Gupta
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research (IJBIR), Vol. 32, No. 1, 2023

Abstract: Strategic practitioners and scholars often advise organisations to use strategic tools. Still, several studies identified differences in the usage pattern of strategic tools in various contexts. Researchers have also found a diverse set of factors influencing their adoption. However, hardly any research has gone beyond it to answer a very pertinent question: Which is/are the most important factor(s)? This study aims at examining the relative importance of these factors in the context of MSMEs operating in developing nations. At first, we arranged these factors as per the extended TOE framework. Then, we applied the AHP technique to identify their priorities from the data collected from 17 MSME owners of NCT of Delhi using convenience sampling. The paper presents the ranking of each factor in three levels consisting of four in level 1, eight in level 2, and 21 in level 3.

Online publication date: Tue, 17-Oct-2023

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