Multi-tier firm-level analysis of global auto supply chain: centrality and financial performance
by Kayvan Miri Lavassani; Bahar Movahedi
International Journal of Enterprise Network Management (IJENM), Vol. 14, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: Over the past few years in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, practitioners, academics and policymakers have started to pay more attention to the consequences of globally extended supply chains on firms' performance, asset valuations and supply stability. Access to complex data and the advancements in network analytics have enabled researchers and practitioners to explore new horizons of global operations. These advancements have further contributed to the study of global supply chains from a business ecosystem perspective. Within this perspective, organisations can be studied using connected network analytics techniques. The present study explores the supply chain structure of the auto industry across five backward tiers. Based on the study of the auto industry global supply chain along five backward tiers, this study explores the effect of firms' position in supply chain structure on the firms' profitability, asset risk, and price volatility. The research methods proposed in this study apply to any industry globally.

Online publication date: Mon, 30-Oct-2023

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