Fashion market segmentation using Facebook: an empirical approach
by Sanjay Mohapatra; Satya Shankar Banerjee
International Journal of Enterprise Network Management (IJENM), Vol. 14, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to segment the Indian Facebook users into fashion consumer segments based on their behaviour and activities (like, post, share, etc.) exhibited on Facebook and establish a relationship with their Fashion shopping behaviour. The paper also aims to define the most broad and influential segments of Facebook users and their collective traits in terms of shopping behaviour, fashion brand preference, price preference, liking for quality, demand of new fashion, consumer social behaviour, etc. An online survey was conducted in which 158 users participated through structured questionnaire. The results give a clear idea about the consumer segments, which lie, on social media such as Facebook. Practitioners may define their targeting and positioning strategy based on the newly formed consumer segments. Practitioners and researchers may directly create and use consumer segments through social media behaviour of the consumers.

Online publication date: Mon, 30-Oct-2023

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