Assessing the impact of an intergenerational program for a sustainable development project in Spain
by Mireia Tintoré; Olga Roger-Loppacher; Pilar Buil
International Journal of Sustainable Society (IJSSOC), Vol. 15, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: This qualitative study with an action research approach describes the design, implementation, and assessment of an intergenerational program that aims to promote social inclusion and sustainable behaviours in a vulnerable Spanish population. A group of 20 seniors, 20 children, a monitor and 8 assistants and educators participated in the program intended to improve sustainability, social exclusion, the employability of people with disabilities, and relationships between generations. We assessed the program through a pre-post-test and an open-ended questionnaire, and data were analysed using quantitative and qualitative techniques. Results revealed improvements in managing social and environmental problems, the empowerment of vulnerable children and adults, and the development of sustainability competencies in the participants. We examine the practical implications of this program as the starting point for similar projects, highlighting the effectiveness of combining environmental and social aspects for the inclusion of vulnerable people.

Online publication date: Mon, 27-Nov-2023

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