A review on various energy sources and harvesting techniques in WSN
by K. Immanuvel Arokia James; R. Prabakaran; R. Kanimozhi
International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms (IJAIP), Vol. 26, No. 2, 2023

Abstract: We propose various energy sources and harvesting methods in wireless sensor network to improve the performance by selecting proper energy sources. Similarly, by implementing good harvesting methods, better routing algorithms, and battery lifetime, which increase the lifetime of sensor nodes in the WSN and also remove the need for frequent replacement of energy sources, we can offer a near-perpetual network operating environment. We intend to help the researchers to design a better EH techniques for WSN-based applications with the help of ambient energy sources regarding the consumption of energy by the sensor nodes for further research. An examination of the different sources and fundamental measurements to get adequate strength and the strength gathering in WSNs are discussed. We have collected an entire report on different strength gain strategies contrasting their exhibitions. We have anticipated some future extents and the difficulties that will be exhibited.

Online publication date: Tue, 28-Nov-2023

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