Impact of happiness and self-awareness on work performance: a study of India
by Sunil Kumari; Sanjay Nandal
International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management (IJPSPM), Vol. 12, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: Self-awareness is the source of happiness and is the core of life as well, but whether it affects the work performance, is researchable. The present study aims at exploring the relationship of happiness and self-awareness with work performance. Likert scale has been used for questionnaire development, for collecting the primary data from 506 people, which has been analysed in terms of correlation and regression using Jamovi software. The study reveals the significant impact of happiness and self-awareness on work performance. The coefficient of self-awareness depicts that every unit change in self-awareness changes the work performance. Both happiness and self-awareness are significant variables. Therefore, it can be said that happiness and self-awareness drive the work performance positively and significantly.

Online publication date: Tue, 28-Nov-2023

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