Mapping innovation in educational contexts: drivers and barriers
by Lídia Serra; José Matias Alves; Diana Soares
International Journal of Innovation and Learning (IJIL), Vol. 35, No. 1, 2024

Abstract: The present demand for school transformation considers innovation a tool that operates in a triangle of strengths: leadership, school cultures, and school accountability. Considering the growth and diversification of literature on this subject, we propose discussing the factors influencing innovation. This article exposes a literature review focused on the systematisation of factors that foster or inhibit innovation, presenting a qualitative classification sustained on two main criteria: organisational capital and professional capital. The built typology harmonises criteria concerning innovation's functional, strategic, relational, behavioural, and environmental aspects. Additionally, it aims to fulfil an epistemic, phenomenological, and propositional purpose. The typology congregates a scheme of constructs that integratively systematise and organise 118 factors described in the literature that influence the school's organisation.

Online publication date: Fri, 01-Dec-2023

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