Comparison between PID and PSO-PID controllers in analysing the load frequency control in interconnected microgrids in a deregulated environment
by Ranjit Singh; L. Ramesh
International Journal of Global Energy Issues (IJGEI), Vol. 46, No. 1/2, 2024

Abstract: This paper focuses on analysing the frequency error in interconnected microgrids and reducing the generation cost, which is considered one of the objective functions. The Simulink model shows the connection between two microgrids, i.e., microgrid 1 comprises thermal, hydro and gas power plants, whereas microgrid 2 comprises thermal, nuclear and gas power plants. The change in the tie-line power is also considered while simulating the model. The paper's main aim is to reduce the variations in frequency in each microgrid to ensure the steady flow of power among the connected microgrids along with the tie-line power. Also, the robustness of PID and PSO-PID Controllers are compared and analysed. The particle swarm optimisation algorithm codes tune the controller's gains in MATLAB. The model is simulated using MATLAB 2014b, and necessary graphs are obtained, which show the frequency error reduction time in both the microgrids.

Online publication date: Sun, 03-Dec-2023

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