Analysis and research of communication network system based on low power loss routing protocol
by Wenming Cai; Xin Niu
International Journal of Global Energy Issues (IJGEI), Vol. 46, No. 1/2, 2024

Abstract: In view of LLN communication network system has broad prospects for development. In this paper, the RPL routing protocol in the LLN communication network system is the main research content. Aiming at the deficiency of RPL routing protocol in high load communication network, a low power loss routing protocol based on load balancing LLN is proposed in this paper. This protocol can increase the connectivity and coverage of the communication network system, and can balance the data load of the network system effectively, improve the overall throughput of the communication network, further prolong the life cycle of the communication network system and ensure the normal communication work of the communication network system through the low power dissipation network routing protocol based on load balance LLN.

Online publication date: Sun, 03-Dec-2023

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