Automatic generation of civil engineering structure model based on network virtual reality
by HaiYang Yu; Changping Chen
International Journal of Global Energy Issues (IJGEI), Vol. 46, No. 1/2, 2024

Abstract: The rapid development of the data age makes it closely related to research work in various fields of life. This paper uses virtual reality technology to study the automation design of civil engineering process design. Based on the traditional AR technology framework, this article combines cloud platform technology to specialise in civil engineering firmware systems. By analysing the authenticity, flexibility, regionality and high-security requirements of the fusion of virtual reality and real-time network simulation, virtual reality technology analyses the simulation network based on the cloud platform and this paper further studies the support of multiple video stream node test sites. By providing virtual reality imaging technology and actual internet connection methods, it is found that when the transmission bandwidth is between 400 Mb/s and 800 Mb/s, the packet loss rate does not exceed 0.01%. This small packet loss has almost no effect on normal network communication.

Online publication date: Sun, 03-Dec-2023

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