Moderating role of government policy in electronic government adoption among Algerian petroleum companies
by Mohammed Soufiane Benmoussa; Marhaiza Binti Ibrahim; Cindy Augustie
Electronic Government, an International Journal (EG), Vol. 20, No. 1, 2024

Abstract: E-government is a global trend that accelerates across countries, which affiliates firm's internal and external connections and transactions, resulting in firm's transparency and efficiency. However, interoperability within organisations is limited and ineffective in developing countries like Algeria. Thus, the current study examines the factors influencing e-government adoption using the DOI and TOE frameworks, which encompasses IT infrastructure, security, top management support, organisational culture, awareness, and training. This research also examines the role of government policy as the moderating effect between the interrelationships. Stratified sampling was used to test the hypotheses. The data were collected through a survey from 170 top management executives of petroleum companies in four regions of Algeria (South, North, West, and East). SPSS version 26.0 and PLS-SEM 3.3.3 were used to analyse the data. The findings indicated that only IT infrastructure and top management support influencing e-government adoption. Only security and training were moderated by government policy, whereas awareness was negatively moderated. The findings of this study will assist researchers, policymakers, and Algerian petroleum companies in prioritising the improvement of IT infrastructure and top management support to enhance e-government adoption in Algeria.

Online publication date: Tue, 05-Dec-2023

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