Socio-economic implications of COVID-19 in India: growing stress and educational challenges
by Kiron Jayesh; Mahesh Jayaraman; Visweshwaran Baskaran; Nathiya Narayanaraju; Jagannath Mohan; Adalarasu Kanagasabai
International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (IJBET), Vol. 43, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: The global pandemic of COVID-19 has been a challenging period for people across the world. While the main focus during this period has been to stop the transmission of the disease and increase the vaccination drive, a lot of people are going through unspoken problems on their own. This pandemic brought an imbalance in the well-being of families due to various reasons such as lockdown-related stress or financial instability. To evaluate all these impacts on the students, the female homemakers, and the family relationships, three online surveys were self-administered from various validated questionnaires. The survey concluded that female students (Likert scale - 3.234) are more distracted from their classes during the lockdown compared to males (Likert scale - 2.458) because females also spend a significant amount of time assisting their families with day-to-day chores. The females are significantly (p < 0.05) more concerned about their family's well-being and relations than the males.

Online publication date: Fri, 08-Dec-2023

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