Mediating effects of social and emotional skills on cognitive ability and academic achievement: Suzhou study
by Myint Swe Khine; Yang Liu; Ernest Afari
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning (IJKL), Vol. 17, No. 1, 2024

Abstract: Educational planners and researchers believe that social and emotional skills play a crucial role in functioning well in the 21st century. This paper investigates how social and emotional skills mediate the relationships between students' cognitive ability and academic achievement. Recently, the OECD organised a large-scale international project to gather information about social and emotional skills among students in ten cities across nine countries. From the primary dataset released in 2019, information obtained from Suzhou, China (n = 3,604) was extracted to analyse the mediating effects. The study found strong linear relationships between cognitive ability and social and emotional skills in the older cohort group participants. The study also found that cognitive abilities mediate the relationship between social and emotional skills and academic achievement.

Online publication date: Fri, 08-Dec-2023

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