Structural optimisation design of impact resistant composite wheel with compression/injection moulding hybrid structure
by Yizhuo Wang; Yingchun Shan; Duo Xu; Xiandong Liu
International Journal of Vehicle Performance (IJVP), Vol. 10, No. 1, 2024

Abstract: Based on the advantages of continuous fibre reinforced and long fibre reinforced injection moulding composite wheels, a composite wheel with pressure injection hybrid structure for passenger cars is designed. First, based on the equivalent static load method, the topology of the wheel spokes is optimised under the 13-degree impact dynamics condition, and the initial structure of the wheel is obtained. Then, by analysing the stress state and failure mode under the impact load, the stiffness matching design of the spoke section is carried out to determine the location of the layer and the material ratio. Finally, the parameters of the wheel are optimised, and the final structure of the wheel is obtained. The results show that the optimised wheel can pass the 13-degree impact test, and the weight of the optimised wheel is reduced from 4.61 kg to 3.921 kg.

Online publication date: Wed, 13-Dec-2023

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