Interorganisational relations in technological districts
by Marina N. Santucci
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research (IJBIR), Vol. 32, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: This paper studies the development of interorganisational relationships among technological companies and the influence of belonging to an institutional district. Three levels were established to study the development of those relationships: first, participation in group activities, then the level of shared knowledge, and finally the achievement of joint projects. The study was designed under a mixed methodology with a correlational approach, triangulated by a questionnaire, interviews, and documentary bases for companies located in the technological district of Buenos Aires. The main results showed that expectations of development of the district and the possession of protocols for strategic decision-making significantly encourage cooperative actions, through their influence on the dynamics of trust. The shared knowledge was frequently tacit and mainly due to infrastructure and business partners. The most frequent type of relations was between large and small organisations, reflecting a potential for strategic alliances under co-working structures or business incubators.

Online publication date: Fri, 15-Dec-2023

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