Numerical analysis of superoleophilic-superhydrophobic filtration system for emulsions separation using lattice Boltzmann method
by Luma Al-Tamimi; Hassan Farhat
Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, An International Journal (PCFD), Vol. 24, No. 1, 2024

Abstract: A novel 3D hybrid quasi-steady thermal lattice is used to study the oil-water separation in stable emulsions and evaluate the efficiency of superoleophilic/superhydrophobic filtration systems through a variety of parameters. This work introduces the first 3D LBM model that combines the effects of surfactant and thermal conditions on the contact angle of a droplet adhering to a wall while accounting for all factors contributing to the complexity of emulsions systems. The LBM model demonstrated several key advantages: it mimics the superwetting filter system with any desired contact angle, evaluates wetting and oil-water separation under a broad array of conditions and increases the opportunity for innovation of superwetting filter designs by allowing modification and validation of various conditions. Furthermore, it is useful for highlighting the mechanisms that take place in the filtration process, such as the suspended phase behaviour, coalescence, and breakup, and determine which parameters can influence the greatest efficiencies.

Online publication date: Wed, 20-Dec-2023

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