Charting the course: exploring the changing terrain of online shopping and future directions for research
by Rachana Jaiswal; Mohammad Intkhab Alam Khan; Manoj Kumar
International Journal of Electronic Business (IJEB), Vol. 19, No. 1, 2024

Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic's pernicious consequences are characterised as quintessential disruptors that have inflicted widespread havoc upon human, social, and economic spheres globally, leading to a surge in online shopping and underscoring the significance of its examination. This study comprehensively investigates online shopping research by scrutinising 410 publications between 2002 and 2022 sourced from the dimensions AI database, revealing China's preeminent position in the field, followed closely by the USA and India, with US publications demonstrating high citation rates and formidable collaborative networks. Utilising the TCCM framework, this study performs a systematic review of selected articles and identifies the most popular constructs, theories, contexts, and methodologies employed in extant studies, yielding profound insights that have the potential to inform policymakers' and businesses' policies and strategies aimed at fostering sustainable and profitable online commerce that meets the dynamic and evolving needs of consumers, while also suggesting future research avenues.

Online publication date: Wed, 20-Dec-2023

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