Does gamification on an e-commerce application lead intention to use the application and spread word of mouth?
by Kunthi Afrilinda Kusumawardani; Laura Fabiola Soegihono
International Journal of Business and Systems Research (IJBSR), Vol. 18, No. 1, 2024

Abstract: This research aims to evaluate the effect of e-commerce gamification on post-adoption behavioural intention on an e-commerce application in Indonesia mediated by flow experience, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and attitude. The structural equation modelling analysis was chosen to examine the data using 325 respondents who are active users who play the games in the e-commerce app. The research results found that attitude towards gamification is a strong predictor in determining continued use intention and intention to spread the WOM of the e-commerce application. Besides, flow experience, perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness will shape a positive attitude towards gamification, leading to continued use intention and intention to spread WOM. Findings in this research provide empirical evidence of gamification's use in an e-commerce application in a developing country. It underlines the importance of using gamification to shape the attitude to keep using the e-commerce application and spread WOM.

Online publication date: Fri, 05-Jan-2024

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