Recruitment process outsourcing motivators: a study of the industrial sector
by Poonam
International Journal of Advanced Operations Management (IJAOM), Vol. 15, No. 3, 2023

Abstract: Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) is considered a strategic need for every organisation for getting the success; to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the resources, reduction of cost, improve the performance and long term sustainability of the organisation. This article aims to identify the most vital motivator factor that influences the outsourcing of recruitment and selection process and perception of employers regarding RPO motivators in the industrial sector. The sample has been collected from 400 respondents (200 employers each from the service and manufacturing sectors) for the study by using the convenience sampling method. For this purpose, analysis was done using descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis through AMOS software, and independent sample t-test. After analysis, it was found that strategic factor is the most significant factor that influences RPO in the industrial sector among four factors: economic, strategic, innovative, and quality. A significant difference was found among employers' perceptions of RPO regarding innovative and quality factors across any type of industry.

Online publication date: Fri, 05-Jan-2024

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