Developing an integrated framework of application of wearable devices in education
by Ramakrishna Yanamandra
International Journal of Business Excellence (IJBEX), Vol. 32, No. 1, 2024

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to explore the existing knowledge about wearable devices in general and in education sector in particular by highlighting their applications, benefits, motivating factors, barriers for user-adoption process and to develop an integrated framework of application of these devices to achieve positive outcomes in an educational institution. The study develops an integrated framework of wearable devices in education sector through a systematic literature review. This framework will act as a tool for encouraging the adoption and usage of wearable devices in education for enhanced teaching-learning process, reduction of costs and increasing the stakeholder satisfaction. It is found that the management of educational institutions should create awareness, conduct training programs, and develop professional and standard policy, to encourage teachers and students to adopt the wearable devices in their academic activities, teaching-learning, student engagement, interaction, assessment, evaluation and for providing transparent feedback.

Online publication date: Wed, 10-Jan-2024

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