Adoption intention and usage behaviour of mobile travel apps: integration of trust, and technology acceptance model with social cognitive theory
by H.M. Kamrul Hassan; Saikat Das; Mohammed Shahedul Quader
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research (IJBIR), Vol. 33, No. 1, 2024

Abstract: Due to the recent development of new technologies, travel-based organisations worldwide are continually adopting user-friendly mobile travel apps to provide tourists with multidisciplinary service benefits. This study evaluates factors affecting young consumers' mobile travel apps' actual usage, where variables are taken from social cognitive theory and technology acceptance model. Using a cross-sectional survey, relevant data generated from 386 consumers who resided in Chattogram, Bangladesh. Related hypotheses are developed and validated, employing the partial least squares technique utilising SmartPLS 3.0. Results suggest that perceived ease of use, self-efficacy, social norms, and trust are significant precursors of the intention to use travel booking apps. In addition, the intention to use mobile travel apps is a significant precedent for young consumers' mobile travel apps usage behaviour. In this study, the integration of theory and practice will help academicians and professionals to explore a viable solution to a demanding issue in the tourism industry.

Online publication date: Wed, 10-Jan-2024

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