Exploring interrelationships among barriers and enablers of green procurement for a sustainable supply chain
by Syed Imran Zaman; Md. Ramjan Ali; Sharfuddin Ahmed Khan
International Journal of Procurement Management (IJPM), Vol. 19, No. 2, 2024

Abstract: This study aims to visualise the prioritisation and interactions of ecologically responsible goods in the pharmaceutical industry between obstacles and enablers to green procurement. For this purpose, ten barriers and nine enablers are identified through an exhaustive analysis of the literature, and their interconnections are visualised by implementing the grey-DEMATEL technique. This study offers a unique perspective of having barriers and enablers interplay for green procurement together simultaneously. The findings also indicate that the pharmaceutical manufacturers should provide consumers with relevant, supportable information to disperse their products' sustainability. Also, pharmaceutical industry should spend much in increasing consumer understanding of the effects of collective buying actions. Other identified enablers would help mitigate the obstacles in this industry. This study offers crucial insights into the interdependencies between barriers and enablers that also lead to the decision-making initiatives of management that promote the adoption of environmentally sustainable goods by customers.

Online publication date: Mon, 15-Jan-2024

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