Recreational activity and intention revisit: the role of destination personality, self-congruence and functional fit: the case of Mudurnu
by Erdem Baydeniz; Marco Valeri
International Journal of Work Innovation (IJWI), Vol. 5, No. 1, 2024

Abstract: This study aims to determine the effects of destination personality, self-congruence, and functional fit on revisit intention. At the same time, the importance performance matrix analysis (IPMA) is used to determine the level of participation of individuals in leisure and recreational activities. The research population consists of tourists visiting the city of Bolu Mudurnu in Turkey, and 406 questionnaires were analysed. The convenience sampling method was used in the research. Structural equation model was used to analyse the data. In this context, it was found that destination personality of the tourists participating in the research has a positive effect on self-congruence, functional fit and revisit intention, that self-congruence has a positive effect on functional fit and revisit intention. That functional fit has a positive effect on revisit intention.

Online publication date: Tue, 16-Jan-2024

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