The mediating and moderating effect of organisational justice and transformational leadership on employee mindfulness and employee wellbeing
by Priyanka Singh; Manoj Kumar Mishra; Sunil Kumar; Nidhi Sharma
International Journal of Work Innovation (IJWI), Vol. 5, No. 1, 2024

Abstract: Organisational justice (OJ) and transformative leadership are becoming increasingly significant in today's organisational practices. OJ, employee wellbeing (EW), employee mindfulness (EM) and transformational leadership (TL) are investigated in this study. The study sample comprises 483 of India's most prestigious college teachers. The study data is analysed using statistical software. The result of the study indicates that EM is helpful in EW. TL moderate the relationship between mindfulness and wellbeing. Furthermore, OJ mediates the relationship between mindfulness and wellbeing. The research sheds light on how transformative leaders strengthen this dynamic relationship. These ground-breaking discoveries may help managers, employees, policymakers, and employers to understand significance of EM for their wellbeing. In order to build a decent workplace and achieve organisational success, it is crucial to practice these techniques, and it is essential to have a proper understanding where mindfulness affects EW. This study is done with faculty in higher educational institutions in India. The findings of the study are concerning with higher educational institutions in the country.

Online publication date: Tue, 16-Jan-2024

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