Use of peel-based activated carbon in wastewater treatment: a study of patents
by Prashant Mahajan; Dipika Jaspal; Amit Kumar Tiwari
International Journal of Intellectual Property Management (IJIPM), Vol. 14, No. 1, 2024

Abstract: Clean water is one of the most essential components for almost all industries. Reuse of wastewater is becoming the only weapon to combat the growing scarcity of clean water. Materials such as mineral sorbents, activated carbons, peat, chitin, etc., have been used as adsorbents for the treatment of textile wastewater. Activated carbon has been commercially employed for the removal of contaminants. The current manuscript is a patent study on the use of peels as adsorbents for the removal of contaminants, especially dyes. This review is a quantitative and qualitative analysis of patents on the use of peel-based activated carbon for industrial and textile wastewater treatment. Further, this review gives landscaping of patents in this domain including non-limiting to country-wise, classification-wise, inventor-wise, etc. This report includes data from the patent database and analytics tool, Relecura. This study is a manual and reflects all the major contributions in wastewater treatment using peels.

Online publication date: Wed, 17-Jan-2024

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