A modelling study of grinding force for axial feed machining of Si3N4-diamond grinding wheel end-face based on specific chip energy
by Zhang Xianglei; Peng Chen; Cheng Gao; Ming Feng; Zhuo Jie Chen
International Journal of Abrasive Technology (IJAT), Vol. 11, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: Grinding force is an essential metric for grinding mechanism research, and establishing its mathematical model is crucial. Modelling and experimental investigation of end-face grinding force without impact were conducted in this paper. A grinding force model based on specific chip energy was created due to the close relationship between specific chip energy and grinding force. The Si3N4 material grinding experiment was conducted with a bowl-shaped diamond grinding wheel, and the grinding force model was derived from the experimental results. The grinding force mathematical model was upgraded and updated. Finally, the grinding forces were measured at different grinding wheel rotation speeds and different feed rates, and the accuracy of the grinding force model established in this paper was confirmed by comparing the experimental data with the theoretical data. The construction of the grinding force model in this paper significantly contributes to the study of grinding force modelling.

Online publication date: Tue, 30-Jan-2024

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