Workflow scheduling method under unbalanced conditions based on dynamic allocation algorithm
by Wenyan Zhao; Lixia Hou; Jie Zhao
International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems (IJRIS), Vol. 15, No. 3/4, 2023

Abstract: In order to improve the efficiency and fairness of workflow scheduling, consider the data correlation between task nodes, and adapt to different scenarios, an unbalanced workflow scheduling method based on dynamic allocation algorithm is proposed. The workflow structure is transformed to calculate the earliest and the latest start time of the node task. The workflow stage is divided, and the input parameters of the task are dynamically adjusted according to the output data amount of each stage of the workflow. The workflow scheduling model is established. Taking the total length of workflow scheduling as the solution goal, the global optimal solution of the whole workflow scheduling process is calculated and obtained. The experimental results show that the unfairness coefficient of this method is less than 0.15%, and the time span can be controlled within 150 s, which shows that this method is more effective and can ensure the running ability of workflow.

Online publication date: Wed, 31-Jan-2024

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